Public Call for Taekwondo Canada National Referee Chair
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(May 15, 2023)
To publicly and transparently call for nominations to be considered for the National Referee Chair Position with Taekwondo Canada Referee Committee.
The new Referee Chair will:
- be expected to work with staff in fine tuning the Referee Operations Guideline and Referee operations plan.
- recommend the balance of members of the referee committee to the board for approval
- be the coordinator of the referee operations and report to the Executive Director about Operational matters
- be responsible to communicate to the board on referee plans and status included in written quarterly reports.
- The Chair must be a currently active International Referee, who has attended the International Referee Refresher Course on the latest amendment of the Competition Rules.
- The Chair must be a member in good standing of Taekwondo Canada.
- The Chair must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident.
Nominations applications must:
- Include a short cover letter with all pertinent contact information and experience as well as the resume for the candidate.
- Have the signed endorsement of three (3) Canadian International or Level 1 National Referees.
- Reach the Secretary by the deadline of Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 at 12:00 pm ET.
The candidates nomination to be forwarded to the Taekwondo Canada Secretary, Ken Anstruther at: Candidates should also copy the Executive Director: and Vice President:
The Taekwondo Canada Board of Directors will evaluate each application and appoint the winning candidate from those who have submitted proper applications.