Selection of Olympic Weight Category for 2023
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Athletes wishing to change their WT Olympic weight category OR athletes who have earned points from the World Taekwondo Junior Championships and/or Pan American Championships who are Senior age eligible in 2023 (turning 17 in 2023), must declare an Olympic weight by emailing with the following information:
- Full Name
- Global Athlete License (GAL) Number
- Declared Olympic weight class
PLEASE NOTE: Athletes that turn 17 in 2023 and have earned a medal at one of the aforementioned events must declare an Olympic Weight Category in the year they turn 17 to earn ranking points. If an Olympic weight category is not declared points for the aforementioned events will not be awarded. If you are NOT changing weight classes or you are moving from Junior to Senior and do not have points from Junior Pan Am Championships or Junior Worlds, you will not be selecting a weight class change.